Preparing for Emergencies: Floods
Flooding of the Tennō River in July 2006 caused by heavy rain.
The rainy season and typhoon season are fast approaching. Consequently, there is heightened risk of storm and flood disasters. Now is the time to get prepared. Prepare an emergency kit, reconfirm your nearest evacuation center and discuss with your family how you will contact each other if there is an emergency.
A “Flood Hazard Map” for the Tennō River (Asahi Area) has been produced by the Echizen Town Office. The map indicates areas at risk of flooding and the predicted water levels. Please make use of the map when devising an evacuation plan.
Preparing for emergencies· Prepare two emergency kits:1. A kit containing the most important items you would take if you were to evacuate unexpectedly; and2. A kit for longer term survival post-emergency. This should contain a stockpile of your basic daily necessities and prepare you for life at an evacuation center.· Check and update your emergency kits frequently. Accessing information during an evacuation or disaster· It is important to access accurate information. Be wary of rumors and false information.· Discuss with your family what each person’s role will be in the event of a disaster. Also discuss which evacuation center to go to, the evacuation route, and how to make contact with each other post-evacuation. Tennō River “Flood Hazard Map”· In the case of heavy rain, there is a risk that the Tennō River will flood, or that its banks will give way. The “Flood Hazard Map” indicates areas at risk of flooding, predicted water levels and the locations of emergency evacuation centers. Note that actual flooding may differ slightly from what is predicted. Other ways to prepare· There is a chance that areas not indicated on the “Flood Hazard Map” may experience flooding and/or landslides. Learn about your surroundings and evacuate quickly if you feel danger.
· Write the contact details of your family members and highlight your evacuation route on your copy of the Flood Hazard Map. Keep it in a handy spot.
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- Disaster Prevention and Safety Division